Destiny 2 Final Shape is The New Expansion

Destiny 2 Final Shape is the new Expansion and will be released in 2024. It will be a major expansion after Lightfall. Destiny 2 Final Shape will bring a new location to the game. There are some major surprises in the Final Shape. For starters, Cayde-6 is coming back as one of the main characters. There will be a new location that will be part of the next expansion. Everyone was expecting a new game from Bungie, but instead, we got the announcement of the new expansion for Destiny 2.


Cayde-6 was shown in the trailer as one of the main characters in the game. He has been teleported to a new planet and was never dead or maybe has been brought back to life. I don’t know what type of crazy reason Bungie will give for his appearance. One thing is sure, Cayde-6 is coming back and he will play a major role in Destiny 2 Final Shape.

Ikora has gone to the same location where Cayde-6 is and it seems like she was following The Witness. Guardians are trying to go after The Witness but have failed as we saw in Season of The Deep. There might be a lot more surprises as well. Cayde-6 was the biggest surprise but there might be others.

The New Location

In Destiny 2 Final Shape we will go to the same location as far as the teaser is concerned. Cayde-6 says in the teaser “Whatever the hell “here” is” so both Ikora and Cayde-6 have no clue where they are. We might be getting sent after Ikora and Cayde-6 to that new location. Cayde-6 might even be the vendor of that new location.

There are two possibilities for where that new location is. It can either be one of the old locations being brought back in a new form or it might be a portal to a new location. It can even be Tangled Shores because that is where Cayde-6 supposedly died. However, that is unlikely since Cayde-6 has no idea where he is. Hopefully, the new trailer might shed more light on Destiny 2 Final Shape.

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