
Game Informer Is No More

Game Informer was one of the last gaming magazines. It has been shut down after being in publication for 33 years. It was owned by GameStop and the announcement was made on Friday. As per reports the entire staff of the magazine is being laid off.

The publication did not give any reason for the shutdown, in the statement that was posted on X. The CEO of GameStop Ryan Cohen told the staff last year that“every expense at the company must be scrutinized under a microscope and all waste eliminated,” as per the email that was acquired by Kotaku.

In March of this year, the magazine introduced a new type of subscription directly to the magazine. Before that, you could only get the magazine by buying new issues or getting them through the GameStop Pro subscription

Matt Miller the editor-in-chief announced on the blog of Game Informer “We haven’t been immune to that hardship.”

The Farewell

The farewell message on the Game Informer site reads,

“After 33 thrilling years of bringing you the latest news, reviews, and insights from the ever-evolving world of gaming, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Game Informer.

From the early days of pixelated adventures to today’s immersive virtual realms, we’ve been honored to share this incredible journey with you, our loyal readers. While our presses may stop, the passion for gaming that we’ve cultivated together will continue to live on.

Thank you for being part of our epic quest, and may your own gaming adventures never end.”

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