Phantom Blade Zero is a Brand New Experience

Phantom Blade Zero is a Brand New Experience

Phantom Blade Zero is one of the few games I am keeping an eye on this year. It is different than other games and can catch you by surprise the first time you see its combat. The way the character moves, the way it attacks, and the way it interacts with the environment is unique for a sword fighting game.

Growing up I used to watch Chinese movies. In these moves, combat seems unreal because your character is fighting two different enemies using both hands and feet. Character will constantly attack while moving ahead similar to the Chinese movies that I used to watch while growing up.

I used to think how good it would be to engage in such a combat. With Pahantom Balde Zero that dream has been turned into reality.

A lot of people thought that it was a souls-like game. I am not a souls-like person so it was a huge shock to me. The new statement has made it clear that it is not a soul-like game. The gameplay we see, further cements that fact.

It is not a complete souls-like game but rather something between a souls-like and Ninja Gaiden. It was huge news for me and I think it will be huge news for a lot of players as well. I mean engaging in such combat without the intensity of souls-like is a dream come true.

It is not an easy game as we can see in the trailer but it is not as intense as a souls-like. Certain enemies still have some attacks that can one-shot you. It is the type of game that will cater to all fans whether you are fans of souls-like games or not.

What is In The Game?

Players will have the option to block and dash. There are different ways to attack and these attacks are mapped to different buttons. There is also the option of using combos which makes it even better. Players also have abilities like Hand Cannon and breathing fire. There is a lot more to combat than meets the eye.

Phantom Blade Zero will hit you with its amazing combat the first time you see it. It is a combat-oriented game. Once you see it there is no way to unsee it and that’s what makes it such a good game to be on the wait list for.


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