The Developer Double Eleven Has Revealed A New Game Called Blindfire

The Developer Double Eleven Has Revealed A New Game Called Blindfire

At the Xbox Partner Preview, a new game called Blindfire was revealed by Double Eleven. The game has already early access for PC and Xbox Series X/S. It will launch for PlayStation later on.

The game is a first-person arena shooter that has little visibility and everything dark. To succeed players have to use their abilities to find and take down the enemies.

During an interview with Xbox Wire the lead designer Matt Dunthorne, it was revealed that the idea for the game rose from hypothetical challenges imagined by employees of the company.

Matt Dunthorne stated “As soon as I heard the pitch, I knew it was something special – there was electricity in the room when they spoke about it and I couldn’t get it out of my head for days afterwards,” he goes on and says. “The beautiful thing about the concept in my opinion is how pure the core idea is, there is no fluff or excess and it can be explained in a single sentence.”

The main mode of the game is known as Bodycount. In that mode, players have the choice of playing as a team or going the free-for-all route. Players can play matches that can scale up to eight players.

The game has mechanics that will show the outline of nearby surroundings which will help you find enemies while also letting you see in the dark. Another ability is called Last Known Position and it will show players, the newest steps of the enemies.

That is all we have on Blindfire, stay tuned for more.


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