Console Exclusive Games are Coming to PC

Console Exclusive Games are Coming to PC More Than Ever Before

Console exclusive games are coming to PC more than ever before. When it comes to exclusives,  consoles always had the upper hand. There are so many games that are available on a single platform. Technology is drastically changing the video games industry. Digital games are taking over the disc-based video games and cloud gaming has become a real thing. In the era of PS3 and Xbox 360, all of the exclusives games were tied to a single platform. Fast forward to the present and you will find out that console exclusives are becoming a thing of the past. All of the Xbox games are coming to PC while Sony is following Microsoft footprints to do the same. More platforms mean more profit right? But that might not be the case in the long run. Exclusive games are the lifeline of consoles, that lifeline is being expunged.

There is not a Single Console Exclusive Announcement for the Next-Gen Consoles.

In the year 2019, we saw that many Console exclusive games are coming to PC. 2020 seems to be a similar year where we will see exclusives on PC from both Playstation and Xbox. If you look at all the next-gen exclusive games announced so far then none of them are really exclusives. Playstation exclusives are coming to PC even though Playstation thrive on exclusives.

Let’s analyze all the console exclusive games from the year 2019 and 2020 that came or are coming to PC. Playstation exclusives on PC are Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human, Nioh and Beyond: Two Souls. Nioh was released at the end of the year on PC while Death Stranding is coming to PC. Another Playstation game Predator: Hunting Grounds will also be available on PC. Xbox is bringing its exclusives to PC since the release of Xbox One. Aside from a few Xbox games, nearly all the Xbox games are available on PC. All of the next-gen console exclusives will be available on PC. Even Godfall is coming to both PS5 and PC

There are even reports that Horizon: Zero Dawn is also coming to PC. So far, there is no official announcement but it is a possibility. Some are speculating that Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding use Decima so it might be easier to bring them to PC. If Horizon: Zero Dawn comes to PC then other Sony exclusives will follow. Decima engine is not the case because Days Gone uses Unreal Engine then why isn’t it coming to PC? Sony is looking for profit. In the end, Console exclusive games are coming to PC making it a preferred platform for many.

Console Exclusive Games Are Not Exclusive Anymore Which Might do More Damage than Good

Since the beginning of consoles, exclusives are part of their ecosystem. PlayStation 4 was successful thanks to their extensive line of exclusive triple-A titles. Lack of exclusives was the main reason that the Xbox one was not that successful. The availability of Playstation exclusives on PC can turn the tide for them in the 9th generation of consoles. Throughout the 8th generation of consoles, Microsoft was focusing on providing better service, power of the console and cheap gaming while Sony was focusing on exclusive titles. Microsoft is not only providing exclusives for Xbox but windows gaming as well which they had abandoned in the Xbox 360 era. Sony is just trying to release their games on PC without a visible solid strategy.

The launch of Game Pass and the announcement of xCloud are paving way for the future of Xbox. Sony has PlayStation Now but it is not in par with modern cloud gaming due to lack of new titles. With Game Pass, Xbox is not only penetrating the console market but the PC and Cloud gaming market as well. Regardless of how prepared Microsoft is, Xbox gaming will still take damage. If this trend keeps continuing. There are many subscription base services for windows such as Google Stadia that are not available on consoles. PC also has multiple stores and access to the services of both consoles.

PC stores such as Steam also make PC exclusive games along with some other studios. The way things are going, PC will get a bigger library than any other platform. Not only will PC get Microsoft games but Sony games as well. Console exclusive games are coming to PC making it even bigger platform.

Cross-platform will Help in The Growth of Game Library Gap

We know that cross-platform will be common in the next-gen consoles. The sole reason that Sony was not willing to support cross-platform was due to its damaging effect on them. PS4 second best selling console in history, making it the most used console in 8th generation consoles. Sony has agreed to cross-platform which has made matchmaking easier for Xbox and PC. At the same time, it will make their community more open which can let the player escape from their ecosystem. With the cross-platforming community of all games will be equal on every platform. With cross-platform matchmaking will be easy for all platforms and it will make shuffling platforms easier. The shuffling of the platform could be damaging to Playstation.

Windows is Microsoft’s property so they are integrating their services in it. Despite all the competition, Microsoft will still have an upper hand once they integrate all their platforms and services. xCloud will help Microsoft to attract more players to their gaming services. If you own a game on the Xbox store then you can play that game on PC, Xbox, and xCloud. On top of that game is also cross-platform, the Xbox game store the perfect companion for multiple devices because your progress will be saved online. Regardless of how it plans out, the sale of consoles will be affected to a great degree.

In the Long Run, both Xbox and PlayStation Could be in the Same Boat

PC players that also use consoles are small but there are PC players who buy consoles for exclusive titles. There are even players that abandon PC because they can buy extra games on consoles. PS4 players would always make arguments that, if you have a PC then you don’t need an Xbox. Console exclusive games are coming to PC and if this keeps going on then more people will shift to PC gaming than ever before.

Microsoft is trying to become a company that facilitates all the needs of gamers. Console, Windows, Gaming Store and Cloud gaming are part of the Microsoft ecosystem. In a way, they are trying to be a company that provides services and hardware to gamers. Their strategy can help them survive for a time being but in the long run, multiple stores will heat up the competition. Without exclusive, consoles will truly become inferior platforms.


Both Sony and Microsoft are releasing games on PC so that they can leave others in the dust. They are trying to compete with each other but this competition could be damaging to both of them. Many gamers are against exclusive content. PC also has exclusive content that cannot be found on any other platform. Exclusiveness is not only limited to consoles but consoles are ending their exclusives while PC is strengthening it.

Gamers are going to prefer the platform with a bigger game library. PC already has a bigger game library but the way things are going it is going to become even bigger. The competition of the platform is giving more power to PC gaming. Consoles are damaging themselves while trying to damage each other.

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