Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019: Gameplay Review

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 is a fresh take on the call of dues franchise. The game offers different gameplay keeping the core mechanics similar to the original Modern Warfare. We didn’t get a decent Call of Duty game for quite some time but it seems like that is changing to some extent. Every game in the series is creating quite a stir but in a bad way. This time, things are on the bright side. Don’t get me wrong there are still lots of problems with the game but most of these problems can be fixed with updates. Every Call of Duty game offers fast pace combat but this time the game is slow.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Campaign is the biggest addition to this new installment. The campaign is one of the greatest in the series but it has some weak points. The multiplayer is the thing of attraction in this game. The game offers many modes in multiplayer combat which offer versatility to the players. There are some missing elements in the gameplay and these elements create negative effects on the overall multiplayer. The exclusiveness of a specific gameplay mode for a platform is a bummer. Overall the game is a good take on the franchise that was getting retarded. Without further due let’s jump into the Gameplay Review of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Setting is a Little Vague

The game takes place in multiple environments but Urzikstan plays a major role in shaping the plot of the game. Urzikstan is a fictional country in the Middle East that is used as the main element to propel the story forward. The country is in the middle of civil war which creates the setting of a warring state.  The missions in Urzikstan resembles battlefields and these missions remind me of the old Modern warfare. There are also other settings included in the story. These settings include London, Georgia and St Petersburg which reminds me a lot about the original series. The combination of different settings is just trying to make a stage for the campaign to take place.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Campaign Not only brings Story mode but the Essence of the Franchise as well

The campaign of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 is good, to say the least. In the Balck Ops 4, there was no campaign which was upsetting for many players. The inclusion of a campaign is a huge leap forward for the franchise. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 campaign has also helped in attracting new players to the game. This time you don’t have to follow someone while getting to objective. Instead, you just need to follow objectives and your friend will provide support to you.

The story this time revolves around stopping a fictional Russian invasion and a fictional terrorist group. Yeah, the Russians are back along with the fan-favorite character Captain Price. There are other characters in the story one of which is a rebel leader Farah. She is the main ally of your character in Urzikstan. The story of Farah is depressing which could lead to some really messed up moments. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 story is emotional, it’s not an excellent story but it is a good one. The campaign is extremely short, I mean it’s not even six hours on a decent difficulty. Due to the short campaign, the explanation of all the events in the game is vague.

The involvement of morals in the story is making everything more complicated. The story is trying to go head to head with the morals but it failed miserably in my opinion. It is trying to combine war crimes with morality along with some spice of politics. The story does not hold all these elements together. There is dialogue choice but it’s just there for show and does not impact the story. The game does not have a story-driven narrative but it gets the job done.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Missions Might Remind You a lot About the Original Modern Warfare.

Most of the missions involve the same tactics but the interesting events might help you keep on playing. I mean most of the time it’s just holding a position against enemies attack. In some missions, you just need to repel enemy waves or run from the violent gunfire. If you had played the franchise campaign before you will understand what I am saying. Even during these repeatable missions, you will get surprises quite often. Sometimes it’s a huge explosion or some unexpected turn of events. These sudden events keep the missions interesting.

There so many events in the game where morals value fails to show any impact. Surely it gives you a chance to be a moral soldier but rarely. Instead of finding a solution for a complicated moral issue it just trashes it which makes no sense. In one of the mission Captain Price just throw a civilian off the bridge because he has to save other civilians. At the same time, it takes you away from the violent gunfight to focus on civilian issues. There is a mission where you have to evacuate a civilian from the embassy using cameras. Once the mission is over guns blazing action begins again.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Gameplay Review also Focuses On the Slow Pace of the Game

The pace of the game is slow, I mean everything in the game just moves more slowly. The developers scaled down everything in the game to try to make it closer to reality. Movements of the player, the ads sight, Movements of the enemy, reloading, firing mechanics, sliding, etc. Every aspect that involves Movements is slow, even the rate of enemy attack is slow. The identity of Call of Duty series is fast-paced action with a fast rate of enemy attack. The fast-paced element of the game is missing but the core elements of the game are still the same. Enemies amount, firing mechanics and every other thing is the same but they are just slow. That’s the only difference in the game but this slow pace might disappoint some players.

The combat this time is quite intense due to the constant surprises. The tight space in the stealth combat can give you claustrophobic feeling. Especially in the night vision, you can’t see anything without the assistance of night vision. The field of view is narrow which presents the realistic combat scenario that will keep you on edge. Enemies will come for you under the bed or from the closet. It just keeps you on the edge throughout the stealth play. Outside the tense scenarios, enemies can get quite dumb like any other combat game. These dumb enemies can’t even come close to the dumb enemies of Breakpoint.

Slow Paced Element is in Complete Sync with the Gameplay

There are not tons of enemies for you to take down. The amount of enemies that you can fight at one time is quite low. The game just pushes you to play it at a slow pace and all elements are in agreement with this factor. Even the ads and aiming time are slower to keep it in sync with the gameplay. The sound of gunshots and the sound of empty shells hitting the floor just make it all the more realistic. The slow pace takes away the glory but it does add realism.

The game has a great weapon variety creating a good and unique experience. There are lots of attachments that you can use and these attachments can give you a great advantage in the multiplayer. The verity is not only limited to weapons. There are lots of perks and killstreak verity as well which presents a better combat experience.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 has Great Graphics but it has Some Serious Performance issues

The overall combat and the game is acceptable. The game has great visuals that leave many games in the dust. The lighting, the shades, characters, and every graphical element seems quite realistic. Developers have used a new engine and the results of it can be clearly seen in the game.  Even the after-effects of gunshots provide a realistic experience. The after smokes of gunshots swirl in a way that makes you want to keep shootings. Every weapon has a different after smoke and flash making gunfight an interesting element of the game. Every aspect of the gunfight adds realism to the game.

When it comes to performance, the game has some serious issues. These issues can be resolved with updates but the issues are there and there is no denying it. The cut senses make amazing cinematics, enhancing the game to a great degree. However, you will see a drop in frame rates in nearly all the cut scenes, this drop in frame rate can really ruin the mode. There are also reports of Xbox One systems crashing which is identical to what happened with Anthem. This issue needs addressing before everything can get out of control.

This time there are little microtransactions in the game. Activision is saying that they will keep it that way but who knows, its Activision we are talking about. There are no loot boxes which is a good sign for a Call of Duty game. Later they might make the game muddy but that will be the story for another day.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Cross-Platform is a Mix bag of Candies

Everyone have mix feelings when it comes to the multiplayer of the game. It’s not an excellent multiplayer in my opinion but it is a good one. Only time will tell how successful its multiplayer will get in the long run. The game is cross-play so the player base is supposed to be huge.

Ground Wars Mode

There are a Ground Wars is a multiplayer mode of 32 vs 32. It is the biggest multiplayer mode of the game that pits a large number of players against each other. It’s not as big as a Battle Royale but it is the biggest one that game has to offer. In this mode, players pit against each other to hold a position. Holding a position gets you points which open a path to the victory. The team with higher points gets to earn the winning badge. For me, it is a good addition to the game.

Gun Fight Mode

Gun Fight mode is a new concept to multiplayer games. In this mode 2 vs 2 players need to take each other down. There is no respawning and you will only need two kills to win the match. It is the shortest mode of the game with short maps. It offers a great alternative to players looking for a brief match. You can’t select weapons in this mode instead you will get a random loadout for every round. This mode will keep on the edge because it offers an intense gameplay experience.

Spec Ops Mode

In this mode, four players need to work together for their goal achievement. There will be waves of enemies descending on you. In the middle of these waves, you need to complete the objective and fight off the enemies. Each wave of enemies get more intense, these waves can sometimes feel retarded. Achieving the objective in such intense waves can get difficult sometimes, if not every time.  This wave system reminds me a lot about Gears 5.

Spec Ops Survive is a Huge Let-Down

There is also a mode called Spec Ops survive where three players need to survive the waves of enemies. PlayStation 4 has one-year exclusiveness for Spec Ops Survival mode which is a huge bummer. A mode should never be exclusive to a platform. I mean everyone paid $60 then why treat them differently? In my opinion, it’s totally unethical, wrong and unprofessional.

Cyber Attack Mode

There is also Cyber Attack Mode which is similar to “Search and Destroy” In this mode destruction of enemy assets is objective. In this mode, there is no HUD so you have to rely on your wits to survive. In the dark night vision can become an absolute necessity.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Multiplayer Gunplay Might be the Only Fun Part

In the multiplayer, you will have the ability to upgrade and level up your guns. The upgrades provide you with attachments that can help a lot in the gameplay. Right attachment can help you win the game in certain stages but you won’t know until you land on a map. There is no option to vote for a map and the game will just randomly select a map. The random selection can get frustrating. In the end, it all depends on luck. You can’t even have your favorite map even when you want it. The night map offers a good gameplay experience but you won’t be able to see it until you get lucky.

There is an option to turn on or turn off crossplay which is a great function. Most people complain that mouse users would have an advantage so the game doesn’t give you the chance for complaining. In the case of Ground War, cross-platform can’t be turned off. Some teams might have an advantage in some maps because they can just hold a specific position and take everyone down that goes by. Camping is a big problem in the game. Killstreaks are a good addition to the multiplayer matches. I think the only reason to keep returning to the game is the combat and gunplay.

Is it Your Type of Game?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 is a good game in general but not a very good one. The campaign is a vast improvement over the previous one and so is the multiplayer. The visuals of the game are great though it has some performance issues. The core elements of the game are the same but it has a slow pace which can be a bummer for some players. The Multiplayer is just OK but it’s just the Call of Dusty that I expected it would be. Nothing more nothing less.

If you are a veteran fan of The Call of Duty Series then this is defiantly the game for you. Any player who likes PVP games might also like this game. Players that want to experience a slow-paced Call of Duty might also like the game. If you are looking for a Call of Duty game with a decent campaign then it might be the game for you. In case you are into a slow-paced action game then it can still be the game for you. If you are feed up with Call of Duty games then this might not be the game for you. The slow pace of this new game might not be suitable for players who like the fast-paced action that the series is famous for. In the end, it all depends on the preferences.

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2 thoughts on “Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019: Gameplay Review”

  1. Going online isnt bad..but there are issues that need to be fixed. If I’m driving a tank and I run into a tree, the tree doesn’t fall, the tank flips, which sucks majorly. Another issue is you can unload a clip on a machine gun on someone and with one pistol shot from them and you’re dead (trust me I know 😒😒😒😒). My only other issue is when you’re trying to take a base, the comp tells you and the opponent where you’re positioned at (enemy in the church, enemy in the abandoned house, ect…)

    1. The pistol issue might be related to ping. The tank issue might be related to bug because other players are also reporting problems. Camping in the new COD is a huge problem.

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