Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay Reveal Shows A Satisfying Game

Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay Reveal Shows A Satisfying Game

Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal is showing the caliber of the game. It is one of the most anticipated games of the year. Ghost of Tsushima would be the last PlayStation exclusive before the release of PlayStation 5. The game is supposed to impact gamers so that current players can stay on the platform. It will also boost the morale of the community to attract new players to the platform. There is a sense of attractiveness to the game especially for players who like Historical Japanese movies. Combat is good and brutal which is treat to many.

It is a Samurai game that takes place in a realistic setting. Most of Samurai games take place in a supernatural world which has become a sort of norm. The game resembles the classic Samurai movies with their iconic color grading. Even its general looks are quite amazing with everything with that bright color grading. It might be a good game from what we have seen so far. As we have seen in Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal, the game takes place inspiration from some open-world games. Such inspiration might make it a retarded experience.

Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay Reveal Is A Treat

In many ways, Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal is a treat that is presenting a different type of game. It is one of the few, if not the only game that takes inspiration from history to present a fictional version of historical Japan. The game takes place during the first Mughal invasion of Japan. This makes it the only game to undertake such a plot for the first time. The plot presents two different types of gameplays with different playstyles and approaches. It is an open-world game with many unique and natural mechanics. The game might have a good story, from the perspective of trailers at least.

Visual aesthetics are the central focus of the game due to their gloomy effect. The representation of Tsushima Island is amazing, to say the least. We don’t know how big the world of the game is but it should provide enough exploration. There are side missions and side activities that can keep the exploration exciting. Players have to gather different supplies to craft stuff and progress in the game. Players can use these supplies for crafting different items or use it with other equipment. The game has a story-driven narrative despite all of its similarities with other open-world RPG games. From the presentation, we can guess that it should offer significant gameplay experience.

Combat of Ghost of Tsushima

There are two ways to play the game as per Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal. The two different playstyle offers different types of combat. You either play as Samurai or Shadow. Different armor pieces offer different tactical advantages in combat. Armor is not just cosmetics in the game but their color is a cosmetic choice. You can use dyes to change the color of armor without changing its attributes. Stealth is also one of the major elements of the game. In a sense, the game offers two different types of combat experiences.

Combat As Samurai

Playing as Samurai is straight forward with different types of regular attacks. As Samurai, players will play honorably without the use of any irregular or dirty tactics. You will have different stances to choose from like Nioh 2. These stances will provide you with different types of attacks. When Samurai Jin Sakai kills enemies, he will pay respect because he fights with honor. Even the objectives would be different for Samurai and Shadow. Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal trailer is not a deep dive of combat but it offers significant information

Combat As Ghost

Playing as Ghost offers more versatility in combat. You have more resources at disposal due to the way Shadow plays. There is no honor in this fighting style. As Shadow, you will use any dirty tactic to get the job done. Throw smoke bombs during combat to give you an upper hand. Use firecrackers or other items to distract enemies and attack them. Even sword fights would be different because there is no honor holding you back. You can even throw dirt at enemies to get the upper hand. As you kill enemies they will lose the will to fight and throw down their weapon. Killing unarmed enemies is also a choice in the game. Even objectives would be different for you as Shadow.

How Much Inspiration Does it take From Other Games?

One look at Ghost of Tsushima gameplay trailer can remind you of some famous games. Even with its unique style of representation that similarities are evident. It almost feels like watching the combination of Assassin’s Creed series and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can even see a pinch of Horizon Zero Dawn. Two of the main things that feel strikingly similar to Assassin Creed is platforming and combat as Ghost. As a Ghost, the game almost feels like the Japanese Assassin Creed. Now we know that UBI won’t make a game in such a setting. They are already making Assassin Creed Valhalla similar to God of War which is another PlayStation exclusive.

The world in general shares similarities with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Horizon Zero Dawn to some extent. The artistic style of the world also takes inspiration from these games. I am not saying that it is a clone of these games because it isn’t. However, the similarities of the Ghost of Tsushima with other game is undeniable. The moment you see the world your mind would drift to these three games. The inspirational tactic is not that new in gaming as Anthem is one of many such games.

Samurai standoff is one of the unique factors that make the game more attractive. Ghost of Tsushima takes lots of inspiration from the classic Samurai movies. It’s more than just a simple video game but rather the realistic interactive representation of a Samurai. Of course, there is fiction but this is as far as an action-adventure game goes in realistic fiction. The classic Samurai standoff is one of its intriguing factors. Combined with classic music, color grading and Japanese voice over the game seems amazing. It is more of an inspiration than rip off of other games.


Ghost of Tsushima gameplay reveal is a good gameplay trailer as it shows what game is about in an era where such trailers are left in the name only. It offers a good representation of historical Japan in a realistic style. This might be the first game Samurai game that lacks the inclusion of supernatural elements. There is lots of exploration in the game with amazing color grading and artistic style of the world. Sucker Punch Productions has done a great job of creating such a deep open-world game. There is an undeniable fact that the game takes inspiration from lots of open-world games. It’s kinda sad and refreshing at some time to see such a game. Regardless of its inspiration from the different games, it might be a good one given the history of SIE owned studios and Sucker Punch Studios.

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