Marvel’s Spider-Man PC and Miles Morales PC Is A Reality

Marvel’s Spider-Man PC and Miles Morales PC Is A Reality

Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales PC has been announced in the State of Play in June 2022. PlayStation always had good exclusives but now these exclusives are coming to PC. It is making it irrational for PC players to have a PlayStation. The time it takes for PlayStation exclusives to be released on PC is reducing. It can have a negative impact on PlayStation if not already.

Marvel’s Spider-Man on PC

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered and Marvel’s Spider-Man Mile Morales both are coming to PC. A lot of PlayStation exclusives have been coming to PC. There were a couple of PlayStation exclusives on PC but Horizon Zero Dawn was the first 1st party exclusive on PC. It started a trend that is only gaining momentum.

Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales PC Release Date is August 12, 2022.

According to Sony, they would not release all exclusive on PC but it seems like their stance has changed. We are now seeing a lot of their games outside the PlayStation. Newer exclusives are released on PC. Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man Mile Morales on PC would not be the last ones. At this rate, we might even see the day one release of PlayStation first-party titles on PC.

Xbox And PlayStation are The Same

With the release of Xbox and PlayStation exclusives on PC, it has become a better platform than all others. Such changes have even made PC gaming cheaper than console gaming. With Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man Mile Morales PC, the day one release of the first party PlayStation games are closer than ever before. It will make PlayStation Platform Similar to Xbox. Even though Xbox’s Game Pass is a lot better than PlayStation Tiers.

If you were deciding to buy either PS5 or PC then PC should be the obvious choice. Not only is it getting games from Xbox and PlayStation but PC exclusive games as well. Some games such as Half-Life: Alyx are only available on PC. It has just become a lot better with PlayStation exclusives.


Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man Mile Morales PC are just the tips of the Ice Burg. Expect all PlayStation first-party games on PC. Day one release of PlayStation first-party tiles is not that far. If you were planning to buy PlayStation 5 for exclusive titles then do not do it. Pretty soon all PlayStation first-party games will be available on PC.

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