Warlock Destiny 2 Build (The Threadling God)

Warlock Destiny 2 Build (The Threadling God)

The Warlock Destiny 2 Build is all about doing damage with your abilities while keeping yourself safe. It uses different abilities to do damage to enemies and uses strand subclass for damage. It will use Threadlings to damage enemies. The build relies on Swarmers to increase the damage output. It relies on different aspects, fragments, and mods to generate grenades and do more damage in less time.

Exotic Armor (Swarmers)

Swarmers will be exotic armor for Warlock Destiny 2 build. Threadlings will now unravel targets and destroying tangles will now spawn Threadlings. An unraveled target will take extra damage when it takes damage and will also damage nearby enemies. Upon death, an unraveled target will turn into a tangle. You can then destroy that tangle to spawn a Threadling. Swarmers will turn you into a Threadlings God.

Destiny 2 Warlock Swarmers


The most important stat for Warlock Swarmers build is Resilience. Try to max out your resilience and then focus on Discipline. Your third most important stat should be Recovery. So it works like that Resilience, Discipline, and Recovery.


Mods applied to different armor pieces will increase the efficiency of the builds. Different mods applied to different armor pieces will not only help in ability gain but survival as well.

Warlock Destiny 2 Build (The Threadling God)


Mods on the Helmet will help you gain super quickly. Use Ashes to Assets and Hands-On Mods.

Ashes to Assets (3 Energy)

Use one Ashes to Assets mod on your helmet this will help you gain super energy every time you defeat an enemy with a grenade.

Destiny 2 Warlock Ashes to Assets

Hands-On (3 Energy)

Use one Hands-On mod on your helmet as it will grant you super energy every time you defeat an enemy with melee ability.

Destiny 2 Warlock Hands-On


Mods on the gauntlets should be Heavy Handed and Fire Power. If you still have the energy then use Bolstering Detonation.

Fire Power (3 Energy)

Fire Power will let you make an orb of power, every time you defeat an enemy with a grenade.

Destiny 2 Warlock Firepower

Heavy Handed (3 Energy)

With Heavy Handed you will create an orb of power every time, you defeat an enemy with melee ability.

Chest Armor

Mods on the chest armor will be about protection. Use Concussive Dampener and Emergency Reinforcement on chest armor.

Concussive Dampener (3 Energy)

To reduce the AOE damage you take from enemies use Concussive Dampener. Using one of these mods will reduce the AOE damage you take by 15%.

Emergency Reinforcement (3 Energy)

It will reduce the amount of damage you take when your shield breaks and it requires armor charges. You will be getting armor charges just by picking up orbs of power. Emergency Reinforcement requires 3 armor charges. It will reduce the amount of damage you take and it can even save you from death. You can also use two of these mods to reduce the damage even further.

Destiny 2 Warlock Emergency Reinforcement


To get more regeneration use Recuperation and Better Already to get all the health back just by picking a single orb of power.

Recuperation (1 Energy)

Recuperation will give you 70% of your health back every time you pick up an orb of power. It will combine with Better Already to grant you 100% health upon picking up an orb of power.

Better Already (1 Energy)

Better Already will grant health regeneration as soon as you pick up an orb of power. It will combine with Recuperation to grant full health.

Stacks On Stacks (4 Energy)

Stacks On Stacks will grant you two charges instead of one every time you pick up an orb of power. Just by picking up 2 orbs of power, you will have three charges which will activate Emergency Reinforcement.

Class Armor (Warlock Bond)

The mods on Warlock Bond are all about gaining abilities through the rift.

Distribution (3 Energy)

Using class ability near enemies will grant you all ability energy. It includes a grenade, melee, super, and class ability. Distribution can be really helpful in easier content where you can stay near enemies.

Bomber (1 Energy)

It will grant you grenade energy whenever you use class ability. It will help a lot in gaining grenade energy.

Reaper (3 Energy)

With the Reaper mod, you will create an orb of power every time you defeat an enemy after using a class ability. Reaper will be one of your main sources of creating an orb of power.

Sub Class

Strand is the obvious subclass of the Warlock Destiny 2 build. It uses aspects and fragments properly to provide optimum results.


You can use any class ability you want but use Threading grenades.

Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Swarmers


Use Threadling Grenades as the build will not work without Threadling grenades.


The aspects of Destiny 2 Strand Warlock build are Weaver’s Call and Mindspun Invocation. These two aspects will increase the efficiency of your abilities. You will gain a total of 4 fragment slots, 2 from Weaver’s Call and 2 from Mindspun Invocation.

Mindspun Invocation (2 Fragment Slots)

Hold the grenade button to consumer your Threadling grenade to create 5 Threadling. Threadling grenade will only create 3 Threadlings but with Mindspun Invocation you can take that number to 5.

Weaver’s Call (2 Fragment Slots)

Casting your rift will create three Threading and it will also deploy any Threadlings you have. So consume your grenade with Mindspun Invocation to gain two extra Threadlings. You can have 8 Threadlings for grenades and Rift. Upon deploying, it will be like a mini super that can grant you nearly all the grenade energy back just by deploying it thanks to the Tread of Generation fragment.


Fragments will increase the efficiency of aspects and make your abilities stronger. The use of proper fragments is really important.

Thread of Generation

Doing damage will generate grenade energy. All you have to do is do damage and it will regenerate your grenade. This will also give you a -10 discipline penalty.

Thread of Finality

Defeating an enemy with a finisher will create one Threadling. It will also grant you +10 recovery.

Thread of Warding

Picking up an orb of power will grant Woven Mail. You will gain more than 50% damage resistance while Woven Mail is active. It will also give you a -10 resilience penalty.

Thread of Evolution

Threadings will travel longer distances and do more damage. It will also give you +10 intellect.

How To Use Warlock Destiny 2 Build?

The use of weapons is up to you and you can use any weapon you see fit. The Strand Warlock build relies on grenade damage. Consume a grenade and then use your rift when you see enemies. Using Rift will deploy all the Threadlings you have and attack the enemies. If enemies are far from you then throw grenades at them from a distance. Do not consume grenades when enemies are far from you. Shooting enemies will let your Threadling attack the enemies.

Since you will be unraveling enemies that you damage with Threading, unraveled enemies will turn into Tangles upon defeat. You can shoot these Tangles from a distance to create even more Threadlings. Warlock Destiny 2 Strand build will turn you into a Threadling God.

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