Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build (Threadling Master)

The Strand subclass has the potential to do some serious damage, Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build uses this potential to destroy those who stand in your way. It lets you unleash an army of Threadlings to rain hell upon your enemies. The Weavewalker build enables you to become invisible and invincible for a short amount of time making it easier to reposition. All you have to do is throw grenades and use your abilities. The combination of its different features makes it easier to defeat enemies even in the most intense situation.

Even champions in end-game content won’t stand a chance. The army of your Threadlings will destroy all the enemies turning you into the ultimate Threadling Warrior. It is the second version of The Threadling God build. You will be unleashing Theadlings left and right by using the Destiny 2 Warlock Threadling build.

Stats for Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build

The most important stat for Warlock strand build is regeneration. Having high regeneration will enable you to use class ability more often. The use of the class ability is important since it will let you get out of Wavewalk when you activate it and unleash an army of Threadlings. If you want more survivability then focus on resilience as well.

Try to max out either your resilience or recovery depending on your preference. Discipline will be your third most important stat. Having high discipline will enable you to throw more grenades which will charge other abilities thanks to the mods. The distribution of stats is important for the efficiency of the Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build.

Exotic (Swarmers)

Your Threadling will unravel enemies. Unravel target takes damage over time and takes additional damage from all sources similar to volatile enemies. Upon death, the unraveled target creates a Tangle which is important for the proper functionality of the Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build.

Destroying a tangle will spawn two Threadlings that will travel to nearby enemies and damage them. Destroying a tangle will also have a chance to give you an armor charge due to the use of the Elemental Charge mod. Swarmers boots increase the overall damage output of your Threadlings.

Destiny 2 Warlock Swarmers


There is no requirement for the use of a specific weapon so you can use any weapon you see fit. However, if you want more melee energy then use Monte Carlo because it will give you melee energy when you do damage to enemies. Killing an enemy has a chance of fully recharging your melee. The damage of Monte Carlo will increase when you kill enemies with it or melee damage.

Melee energy will enable you to use Weavewalk more often. The more Weavewalk you use the more will be Threadling you unleash. Monte Carlo will restore your melee energy so that you can use Wavewalk more often. Auto rifles stun one of the champions each season so it will work in all types of content.


Different mods will increase the efficiency of the Destiny 2 warlock strand build by giving you ability energy. The use of armor charges will enable you to get abilities quickly which will increase the overall damage output of the Weavewlaker build.


Mods on the helmet will give you super energy through grenade kills and the use of class ability.

Ashes to Assets (3 Energy)

Defeating enemies with grenade ability will give you super energy. So whenever you defeat an enemy with a Threadling grenade it will give you super energy.

Dynamo (3 Energy)

Using class ability near enemies will give you super energy. You will be using class ability near enemies to get out of Weavewalk which will feed into Dynamo mod. The constant use of class ability will help you gain class ability quickly for the Destiny 2 warlock strand build.


Gauntlets mods will create orbs of power for you and will also reduce the cooldown time of your class ability through grenade damage.

Firepower (3 Energy)

You will create an orb of power whenever you defeat an enemy with a grenade. Whenever you defeat an enemy with a Threadling grenade, it will create an orb of power.

Momentum Transfer (3 Energy)

Damaging an enemy with grenade ability will generate melee energy. Momentum Transfer will help in keeping melee ability full which can be used to activate Weavewalk.

Bolstering Detonation (2 Energy)

Damaging an enemy with grenade ability will give you class ability energy. It will let you use class ability more often which will result in more damage due to the use of Weaver’s Call aspect. Only use Bolstering Detonation if you have the energy for it. Your priority should be Momentum Transfer.

Chest Armor

Use any mods you see fit on your chest armor.


Mods on boots will give you armor charges and will also heal you.

Elemental Charge (3 Energy)

Destroying a tangle will have a chance to give you an armor charge. The possibility of getting an armor charge is 50%. You will also get armor charges when you pick up an orb of power. The combination of two armor charge sources will make sure that you always have an armor charge while using the Destiny 2 warlock strand build.

Recuperation (1 Energy)

It will heal you whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Better Already (1 Energy)

Your health will start regenerating when you pick up an orb of power. The combination of Recuperation and Better Already will increase your survivability.

Class Item (Warlock Bond)

Warlock Bond mods will give you class ability energy and create orbs of power through weapon kills.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with a weapon after using class ability will spawn an orb of power.

Utility Kickstart (3 Energy)

Using class ability will give you class ability energy. The amount of class ability you gain will depend on the number of charges you have.

Outreach (1 Energy)

Casting rift will grant you melee energy. Melee ability is important because it lets you activate Weavewalk.


The combination of different aspects, fragments, and abilities makes sure that the Weavewalk build is being used at maximum capacity.


Different abilities make sure that you have high damage output and survivability.


The Threadling Grenade is the way to go with the Destiny 2 warlock strand build. Throwing a Threadling Grenade will spawn three Threadlings that will follow enemies and damage them. It is important to use Threadling Grenade because your Threadling unravels target which does more damage to enemies.

Destiny 2 Warlock Threadling Grenade

Class Ability

The choice of class ability is up to you. However, using a healing rift will increase your survivability.

Destiny 2 Warlock Healing Rift


There is only Arcane Needle melee option but it’s not like we will be using melee. Destiny 2 warlock strand build uses melee ability to activate Weavewalk. Only use your melee to activate Weavewalk and spawn Threadlings. You will be doing massive damage through the use of the melee ability for Wavewalk.

Destiny 2 Warlock Arcane Needle


Needlestorm is the only super option.

Destiny 2 Warlock Needlestorm


The two aspects Weavewalk and Weaver’s Call will work with each other to provide massive amounts of damage. The use of class ability will deactivate Weavewalk and deploy all the Threadlings you have.


While in the air, dodge to activate Waevwalk. While the Wavewalk is active you will take less damage from all enemies. You become invisible which makes enemies less aggressive towards you. While Weaver’s class is active you will gain Threadlings. Exit Weavewalk when you have five Threadlings as you won’t be getting any more Threadlings. You can exit the Wavewalk by either dodging again or casting the rift.

Use the Remaining melee energy to activate Weavewalk again since you will have three melee charges. To get out of the Wavewalk you need to activate class ability. Using class ability will activate Weaver’s Call aspect which spawns three more Threadlings and Deploy all the Threadlings you have. Weavewalk will also help you reposition and escape from dangerous situations when needed while using the Destiny 2 warlock strand build.

Destiny 2 Warlock Weavewalk

Weaver’s Call

Casting the rift will spawn three Threading and will deploy all the Threadlings you have. You will deploy all the Threadling including the ones spawned through casting rift.

Destiny 2 Warlock Weaver's Call


The combination of different fragments increases your Threadling damage, grant damage resistance, and help with grenade energy regeneration.

Thread of Generation

Doing damage will generate grenade energy. All you have to do is just do damage from any source and you will generate grenade energy. Thread of Generation will also give you a -10 discipline penalty.

Destiny 2 Warlock Thread of Generation

Thread of Evolution

It will increase the damage your Threadings do. It is just a flat increase with no conditions attached to it. Using Thread of Evolution will also give you +10 intellect.

Destiny 2 Warlock Thread of Evolution

Thread of Warding

Picking up an orb of power will give you Woven Mail. While Woven Mail is active, you will gain 50% damage resistance. Thread of Warding will also give you a -10 resilience penalty.

Destiny 2 Warlock Thread of Warding

How To Us Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Build?

Use all the exotics, mods, fragments, and aspects described above. Start the combat by activating Weavewalk. Wait till you get five Threadling and then deploy them using class ability. Throw your grenade to increase the number of Threadlings released. When you have no class ability and grenade energy use melee to activate Wavewalk and gain Threadlings. Use Wavewalk to reposition and escape from danger. The more Weavewalk you use the more damage you will do. Use Mote Carlo to gain melee energy so that you can use Wavewalk more often.

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Build In Action:



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