Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker)

Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker)

To become a walking tank, one must have high regeneration, damage resistance, and damage output, just like the Destiny 2 strand titan strand build. It makes you extremely powerful and lets you take down enemies head-on. You will not only be taking down enemies with massive damage but also be able to survive an intense amount of damage. Your melee will become extremely powerful and will let you take down enemies before they even have a chance to react. Destiny 2 Titan Strand build will turn you into a walking Well of Radiance. You will be able to stand your ground even when faced with powerful enemies and the overwhelming odds will shift in your favor.

Stats for Destiny 2 Titan Strand build

The most important stat for the Destiny 2 Titan Strand build is resilience. It will increase your survivability to a great degree. The second most important stats are discipline and strength. You can prefer either one of them over the other. Having high discipline will reduce the cooldown time of grenades and strength will reduce the cooldown time of melee ability. Both abilities are important for the Destiny 2 Titan strand build.

Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker) Details 1


Use any weapon you see fit. However, if you want to increase the efficiency even further then use Monte Carlo. Doing damage with Monte Carlo will regenerate melee energy. Defeating an enemy with Monte Carlo has a chance of giving you entire melee energy. Killing an enemy with melee and Monte Carlo will increase your damage output which can stack up to 4 times. Killing an enemy with melee will also refill its magazine.

Exotic (Synthoceps)

The exotic armor for the Titan Strand Build is Synthoceps. Synthoceps has the Biotic Enhancements trait. When you are near 3 or more enemies it will increase your melee damage. While Biotic Enhancements is active, your super damage will increase and your weapon handling as well as reload speed will also increase. The buff will remain active as long as enemies are in your 15-meter radius. It gives you a 200% melee damage buff. Combined with Banner of War’s damage increase, Synthoceps can destroy enemies. Biotic Enhancements will remain active for 8 seconds even when you are away from enemies. So as long as you are near enemies every 8 seconds, Biotic Enhancements will remain active.

Destiny 2 Titan Synthoceps


Different mods will increase the build’s overall efficiency and ensure that you gain your abilities quickly.


Mods on the Helmet will help you gain super energy.

Hands-On (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with melee ability will grant you super energy. Since you will be using Grapple Grenade, kills from grenades will also count as melee kills. So you will gain super energy through both grenade and melee kills. Hands-On will proc with both melee and Grapple grenade while using Destiny 2 Titan Strand build. Use two Hands-On mods for maximum efficiency.


Gauntlets mod will ensure that you make orbs of power through both melee and Grapple Grenade kills while also helping you keep your grenade ability full.

Heavy Handed (3 Energy)

You will make an orb of power whenever you defeat an enemy with melee. Heavy-handed will activate even when you defeat an enemy with a Grapple Grenade. With Heavy Handed, you will create orbs of power through both melee and grenade kills since a Grapple Grenade kill counts as a melee kill. Picking up these orbs of power will give you Woven Mail and increase the melee regeneration of Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build thanks to the aspects and fragments.

Grenade Kickstart (3 Energy)

Using grenade ability will grant you grenade energy. The amount of grenade energy you get depends on the number of charges you have. Grenade Kickstart will make sure that you always have Grapple Grenade available.

Chest Armor

Use any mods you see fit on chest armor.


Mods on boots will heal you and help you get armor charges.

Elemental Charge (3 Energy)

Destroying a Strand Tangle will give you an armor charge. Elemental Charge will give you armor charges and Grenade Kickstart will use these armor charges to give you grenade energy.

Recuperation (1 Energy)

Picking up an orb of power gives you health.

Better Already (1 Energy)

Picking up an orb of power will start health regeneration.

The combination of Recuperation and Insulation will help you survive the intense damage. Since you will create orbs of power through melee and grenade kill, these orbs of power will heal you while using Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build.

Class Item (Titan Mark)

Mods on class items will let you create orbs and grant you ability energy through class ability usage.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy after using class ability will let you create an orb of power. Orbs of Power are important because they give you armor charges that other abilities use.

Bomber (1 Energy)

Using the class ability will give you grenade energy. Use two Bomber mods if you don’t have the energy for a Distribution mod.

Distribution (1 Energy)

Use one Distribution mod if you have the energy for it. It will give you all ability energy whenever you use class ability near enemies.


Strand Berserker is the obvious choice as it nearly makes you immortal.


The abilities of the Destiny 2 Titan Strand build make sure that you have high damage output through melee and grenade usage. Both grenade and melee abilities will activate the Banner of War.

Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker) Details 2


Grapple Grenade is the way to go with Destiny 2 Berserker Titan Build. The Grapple Grenade lets you create a grappling hook that pulls you forward. Grappling to a Tangle will instantly recharge your grenade ability. The immediate recharge makes sure that you always have a grenade ability as soon as you grapple to a tangle.

You can press the melee ability button to do melee damage while you are in the middle of a grapple or shortly after a grapple. The melee attack of Grapple Grenade will also unravel the enemies hit by it. Since your Grapple Grenade hit counts as melee, you will be able to create orbs of power through Heavy Handed mod. It will also activate Banner of War and Synthoceps which let you do an insane amount of damage. At Max Stacks, you can one-shot a champion at Master difficulty without using an On Two Punch shotgun.

Destiny 2 Titan Grapple Grenade


Frenzied Blade is the only melee option. You will have three charges of Frenzied Blade which makes it easier to kill enemies with melee. The combination of Banner of War and Synthoceps lets you do a massive amount of damage. Since you can land multiple melee hits, Frenzied Blade can even destroy powerful enemies such as champions. Melee is an important part of Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build that lets you destroy enemies.

Destiny 2 Titan Melee Frenzied Blade

Class Ability

Use Rally Barricade because it has a lower cooldown time. Use Rally Barricade to reduce the cooldown time of Grapple Grenade through the use of the class ability.

Destiny 2 Titan Rally Barricade


The combination of Into The Fray and Banner of War works together to let you do a high amount of damage and damage resistance.

Into The Fray

Destroying a Tangle or Casting your super will give you and your allies Woven Mail. You will take less damage while Woven Mail is active. While you have Woven Mail, you will gain increased melee regeneration. You will be destroying Tangles constantly and picking up Orbs of Power to gain Woven Mail through the use of Thread of Warding. You will have Woven Mail Active nearly all the time. Into The Fray is important for Destiny 2 Titan Strand build because it keeps your melee full.

Destiny 2 Titan Into The Fray

Banner of War

Defeating an enemy with melee, sword, or finisher will activate the Banner of War. Banner of War will start pulsing which will heal you and your allies while also increasing your melee and sword damage. Target defeated by you or nearby allies while Banner of War is active will increase its pulse speed. It can stack up to four times. The higher the tier of the Banner of War, the more will be healing, sword, and melee damage. The combination of Synthoceps and Banner of War will let you shred the enemies.

Destiny 2 Titan Banner of War


The combination of different fragments will increase the efficiency of Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build.

Thread of Fury

Damaging enemies with a Tangle will grant you melee energy. So whenever you throw a tangle toward enemies or destroy them near enemies, it will give you melee energy. Thread of Fury will also give you a -10 strength penalty.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Fury

Thread of Generation

Doing damage will regenerate grenade energy. As long as you are doing damage from any source, it will grant you grenade energy. Thread of Generation will also give you a -10 discipline penalty.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Generation

Thread of Continuity

Unravel, Suspend, and Sever effects you apply to an enemy will have an increased duration. Thread of Continuity will increase the damage of your melee even further since both Grapple Grenade and Frenzied Blade melee apply unravel effect. Unravel effect does damage to the target after an attack for a short duration.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Continuity

Thread of Warding

Picking up an orb of power will grant you Woven Mail. Thread of Warding is one of the major sources of Woven Mail. While Woven Mail is active, you will take less damage, and your melee will regenerate quickly thanks to the Into The Fray aspect.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Warding

How To Use Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build?

Use all the fragments, aspects, exotic armor, abilities, and mods mentioned above. Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build is a melee-focused build that does massive damage through melee ability. Your grenade ability damage will also count as melee ability damage. Start the combat by defeating an enemy with melee ability or Grapple Grenade. Doing so will activate Banner of War. Defeating more enemies will stack Banner of War which will increase melee damage and healing. Keep using your abilities and only use weapons when you are out of abilities. The Berserker Titan build will destroy enemies and let you tank an insane amount of damage.

Visual Description:

Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker) Details 3Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker) Details 4

Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build (The Berserker) Details 5

The Build In Action:

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