Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Build (The Electric Warlock)

Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Build (The Electric Warlock)

Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build utilizes the arc subclass and helps you do a large amount of damage with it. If an Arc build is made right, then it can do a lot of damage. It uses different aspects, fragments, and exotic armor to increase the efficiency of the build. Different pieces of the build work together in harmony. If you are looking for an Arc build with high ability regeneration and Damage then Arc Warlock build is the way to go.

Exotic Armor for Warlock Arc Build (Crown of Tempests)

To make the Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build, you would need Crown of Tempests. It has the Conduction Tines trait that will activate when you defeat an enemy with the Arc ability or Jolt. Conduction Tines last for 7 seconds and can stack up to three times. Each ability kill will refresh the time while also increasing the stack. It provides maximum ability regeneration at max stacks.

Mods will help you make this ability regen even faster. Having gear pieces with high discipline and recovery will reduce the cooldown of both grenades and rift.


Just make sure to use armor pieces with high discipline and resilience. Having high discipline will allow you to throw more grenades which will, in turn, result in less cooldown time for grenades. Resilience will reduce the incoming damage. It will help you survive the intense damage sequences. After getting max discipline and high resilience, you can focus on recovery. Recovery will increase the chances of survivability and reduce the cooldown time of the rift.


There is no specific weapon that you need to use with the Arc build. Any weapon would work as the electric Warlock does not rely on weapon traits to perform well.


Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Build uses different mods to decrease the ability cooldown time of abilities.


Mods on the helmet will reduce the cooldown time of abilities upon grenade kills.

Two Ashes to Assets (3 Energy)

It will grant you super energy upon grenade kills. You will be using a lot of grenades so Ashes to Assets will help in gaining back grenades. Use two Ashes to Assets, having more of these mods will increase the super energy gain.

Hands-On (3 Energy)

Use a Hands-On if you have the energy as it will reduce your super cooldown time upon melee kills.


Mods on the gauntlet create orbs of power and use armor charges.

Firepower (3 Energy)

Firepower will grant you an orb of power, every time you defeat an enemy with a grenade. Collecting these orbs of power will grant you an armor charge.

Grenade Kickstart (3 Energy)

It will use armor charges that you get from different sources to give you grenade energy when you use a grenade. Grenade Kickstart is one of the most important mods for grenade energy gain.

Chest Armor

Mods on chest armor will increase protection and the number of armor charges you can carry.

Concussive Dampener (3 Energy)

Concussive Dampener will reduce the amount of splash damage you take.

Charged Up (3 Energy)

It will increase the number of armor charges you can carry by one.

Leg Armor

Mods on leg armor help with armor charges.

Stacks On Stacks (4 Energy)

Every time you get an armor charge you will gain an additional charge. Stacks On Stacks will help you quickly build up charges that other mods can use for ability gain.


Elemental Charge (3 Energy)

Elemental Charge will be your primary source of armor charges for the Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build. Every time you collect an ionic trace it will have a chance of giving you an armor charge. Every second or third ionic trace you collect will give you an armor charge. Stacks On Stacks will double these charges.

Warlock Band

Mods of the Class Item will give energy through the use of the class ability

Two Bomber (1 Energy)

It will give you grenade energy every time you use the class ability. Use two Bomber mods to increase the amount of energy gained by using Rift.

Reaper (3 Energy)

It will grant you an orb of power when you defeat an enemy with a weapon after using the class ability.


With the Arc subclass, you can destroy enemies all around. The abilities of the arc subclass will allow you to damage multiple enemies. A single grenade will be able to damage enemies in a large vicinity. Melee will let you do damage from a distance and even your class ability will damage enemies. The build will let you do damage from a distance. Ability regeneration will become faster the more enemies you kill with abilities. Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build will take the damage potential of the Arc subclass to another level.


Use either Pulse or Storm grenade as the choice is up to you. Both of these grenades are powerful but I will prefer Pulse grenade over Storm any day.

Destiny 2 Warlock Storm Grenade


You can use any of the two melees as both will work with the build. However, using Ball Lighting can be a good choice as it will let you do damage from a distance.

Destiny 2 Warlock Ball Lighting

Class Ability

Use Healing Rift as it will be the only healing source you have. You will also have an Arc Soul with a rift that will let you do damage from a distance.

Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Healing Rift


You will be using Electrostatic Mind and Arc Soul Aspects to maximize the efficiency of the Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build.

Electrostatic Mind

Defeating enemies with Arc abilities or Arc debuff will create an ionic trace. Ionic traces are arc elementals that will give you all ability energy. They will follow you so you don’t have to get in the middle of enemies to collect them. Collecting an ionic trace will make you amplified.

Destiny 2 Warlock Electrostatic Mind

Arc Soul

It is an Arc buddy that will shoot at the enemies in front of you. Allies who pass through your rift will also get an Arc Soul. With Arc Soul Aspect, your rift will recharge faster when allies are near you. When you are amplified Arc Soul is supercharged and has an increased rate of fire. Collecting ionic traces will make you amplified thanks to Electrostatic Mind. Arc Soul kills also count as Arc ability kills so you will be amplified nearly all the time.

Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Soul


Different fragments work alongside mods and aspects to make the build better.

Spark of Magnitude

Your Storm, Pulse, and Lighting grenade will have an increased duration. Since you will be using either Storm or Pulse grenade Spark of Magnitude will help you with that.

Destiny 2 Warlock Spark of Magnitude

Spark of Resistance

It will reduce the amount of damage you take whenever you are near enemies. Since there will be enemies near you most of the time, Spark of Resistance will remain active. It will also grant you +10 strength.

Destiny 2 Warlock Spark of Resistance

Spark of Ions

It will create an extra ionic trace upon each grenade kill since your grenade will jolt the enemy due to Spark of Shock. Spark of Ions will create an ionic trace whenever you defeat a jolted target. It has a 10 seconds cooldown but you have Electrostatic Mind as another source of Ions when the cooldown is active.

Destiny 2 Warlock Spark of Ions

Spark of Shock

Your grenades will jolt enemies. Jolted targets will do damage to surrounding enemies when they take damage. It will also give you a -10 discipline penalty.

Destiny 2 Warlock Spark of Shock

How to Make Destiny 2 Warlock Arc Build?

Use all the things mentioned above to make the build. Once your build is ready start the combat. All you have to do is defeat enemies with abilities. You will be defeating a lot of enemies with abilities that will activate different elements of the Destiny 2 Warlock Arc build along with Crown of Tempests. Your arc abilities will regenerate faster when you defeat enemies with arc abilities. As long as the Conduction Tines trait of Crown of Tempests is active you will have an increased ability regeneration.

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