Destiny 2 Strand Titan Build (The Walking Well of Radiance)

Destiny 2 Strand Titan Build (The Walking Well of Radiance)

A tank build needs a high amount of damage resistance and an insane amount of regeneration which is exactly what the Destiny 2 strand titan build offers. It lets you tank an insane amount of damage that turns you into an immortal titan. You can stand your ground even in the most intense combat sequences. The amount of damage that you can tank with the strand Titan is off the chart. To top it off, you can do a high amount of damage to the enemies as well. Strand Titan has always been good at tanking damage thanks to woven mail. With proper setup, one can take it to another level. Every part of the Destiny 2 Strand Titan build turns you into a walking tank.

Stats for Destiny 2 Strand Titan Build

The most important stat for Strand Titan build is resilience. Try to get as high resilience as possible. The higher your resilience, the more will be your survivability. The second most important stats for the Destiny 2 Strand Titan build are discipline and strength. You can prioritize either one of them as the choice is up to you. Discipline will reduce the cooldown time of the grenade while strength will reduce the cooldown time of melee ability. Both of these abilities are important for the Banner of War Titan build.

Exotic (Stronghold Gauntlets)

Stronghold is the exotic used with Destiny 2 Strand Titan build. Your guard energy will never run out while guarding with the sword. You will take less damage while guarding. Guarding with a sword will stack up to a hundred times. Defeating enemies while you have the stacks will grant you 2X restoration. The duration of restoration will depend on the number of stacks you have.

Stronghold gauntlets are one of the few sources of 2X restoration in the entire game. The Banner of War aspect will activate whenever you get a kill with the sword. Stronghold perfectly harmonizes with Banner of War and provides insane survivability.

Destiny 2 Stronghold Gauntlets

Weapons (The Lament)

For your primary and secondary weapons, you can use any weapon you see fit. For Heavy weapons, the use of the sword is important. Destiny 2 strand titan build only works with Stronghold so the use of the sword is a must. Use any sword you see fit. However, The Lament works best with the Stronghold Titan build.

The Lament has Banshee’s Wail trait. Blocking with The Lament will rev the sword. Attacking after blocking will unleash powerful attacks. Attacking with rev will stack which will let it do more damage. Damaging with The Lament will heal you as well. The Lament is the perfect weapon to be used with the Stronghold Titan build. The Lament can also stun barrier champions.



Different mods will increase the weapon damage, grant sword ammo, and increase the overall efficiency of the Destiny 2 strand titan build.


Mods on the helmet grant you sword ammo and give you super energy if you want to.

Heavy Ammo Finder (3 Energy)

Sword ammo is needed for the Titan strand build to perform well, so having the Heavy Ammo Finder mod is important. Use two Heavy Ammo Finder mods for maximum efficiency.

Destiny 2 Titan Heavy Ammo Finder


Mods on Gauntlets will create orbs of power and ability energy through different ability uses.

Heavy Handed (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with melee ability will create an orb of power. Since the Destiny 2 strand titan build uses the Shackle grenade it does not use Firepower. Melee kill will be your main source to spawn orbs of power.

Impact Induction (2 Energy)

Damaging an enemy with a melee attack will grant you grenade energy.

Momentum Transfer (2 Energy)

Doing damage to an enemy with a grenade will grant you melee energy.

Impact Induction and Momentum Transfer will make sure that one ability gives energy to the other. If you don’t have the energy then use only one of them.

Chest Armor

Mods on chest armor will increase the amount of ammo you can carry.

Reserve Mods (3 Energy)

Use reserve mod depending on the energy of your sword. If you are using The Lament then use Solar Reserves because The Lament is a solar weapon.

Leg Armor

Mods on boots of Destiny 2 strand titan build increase the damage of your sword and help with healing.

Weapon Surge Mod (3 Energy)

Collecting an orb of power will increase your weapon damage. Use weapon surge mods depending on the sword you are using. If you are using The Lament then use Solar Weapon Surge mod to increase the damage. Use two weapon surge mods for maximum efficiency if you have the energy for it.

Recuperation (1 Energy)

Picking up an orb of power will heal you. Only use Recuperation if you have the energy for it since there is more than enough healing going on.

Class Item (Titan Mark)

Titan Mark mods increase the duration of your decaying armor charge mod, create orbs of power, and help with ability regeneration.

Time Dilation (3 Energy)

It increases the duration of your decaying armor charge. Meaning that your weapon surge will now last for a longer duration. Time Dilation will increase the weapon surge mods duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with a weapon after using class ability will spawn an orb of power. It will be one of the main sources for orb of power generation while using Destiny 2 strand titan build.

Outreach (1 Energy)

Using class ability will give you melee energy. Only use Outreach if you have the energy for it.


Strand is the sub-class for Destiny 2 strand titan build since it is a Banner of War build.

Destiny 2 Strand Titan Build (The Walking Well of Radiance) Details 2


Use any grenade you see fit but Shackle Grenade perform better than other because it stops enemies in their tracks giving you breathing room. Shackle Grenade will also stun the Unstoppable champions which makes it easier to be used in end-game content.

Destiny 2 Titan Shackle Grenade


There is only the Frenzied Blade melee option so use it to get melee kills and activate Banner of War.

Destiny 2 Titan Melee Frenzied Blade


The Berserker subclass only has the Bladefury option so use it to destroy enemies.

Destiny 2 Titan Bladefury


The two aspects of Destiny 2 Strand Titan build are Into The Fray and Banner of War. One gives you massive damage resistance while the other gives you regeneration. The combination of the two will help you survive an insane amount of damage.

Into The Fray

Activating your super or destroying a tangle will grant Woven Mail to you and nearby allies. When Woven Mail is active you gain increased melee regeneration. Into The Fray also grants Woven Mail whenever you suspend an enemy. I don’t know if it is a glitch but it does activate. So whenever you throw the Shackle Grenade at enemies you will gain Woven Mail. Into The Fray will help you keep a constant uptime on Woven Mail.

Destiny 2 Titan Into The Fray

Banner of War

Defeating an enemy with melee, sword or finisher will activate the Banner of War that pulses which heals allies and increases your melee damage and sword damage. While Banner of War is active, enemies defeated by you or allies near you will charge the Banner. Each charge increases its pulsing which increases healing and melee damage of Destiny 2 Strand Titan build. Banner of War can stack up to four times. You only need to kill the first enemy with a melee or sword and can stack up Banner of War with any other source of damage.

Destiny 2 Titan Banner of War


Different fragments increase the ability regeneration, damage resistance, and overall efficiency of the build.

Thread of Generation

Doing damage will regenerate your grenade. Thread of Generation is one of the most important aspects of the Strand subclass as it gives you grenade energy just by doing damage. It will also give you a -10 discipline penalty.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Generation

Thread of Warding

Picking up an orb of power will provide Woven Mail. Thread of Warding will be another source of Woven Mail for the Destiny 2 Strand Titan build. Woven Mail provides the highest amount of damage resistance among all non-super sources. It will give you a -10 resilience penalty.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Warding

Thread of Continuity

Suspend, unravel, and sever that you apply to enemies will have increased duration. It will increase the suspend effect of your Shackle Grenade and the sever effect from your melee will last for a longer duration.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Continuity

Thread of Fury

Damaging enemies with a Tangle will grant melee energy. You will be making a lot of Tangles, Thread of Fury will use these tangles to give you melee energy. It will also give you a -10 Strength penalty.

Destiny 2 Titan Thread of Fury

How To Use Destiny 2 Titan Strand Build?

To make the Banner of War build, use the mods, exotics, aspects, and fragments from above. Start a combat sequence by defeating an enemy with a melee or sword. Doing so will activate Banner of War which will grant you regeneration and will boost melee as well as sword damage. Use a sword to block damage when you are overwhelmed. You will have an unlimited guard on your sword which will make it easier to block damage with the sword. Keep defeating enemies with a sword, melee, or any other source while Banner of War is active to stack it.

All the buffs for the Destiny 2 Strand Titan build will make sure that you have a high amount of damage resistance. The combination of damage resistance and regeneration will turn you into a walking Well of Radiance. You will become a tank that absolutely wrecks the enemies.

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