Destiny 2 Void Hunter Build (The Mothkeeper)

Destiny 2 Void Hunter Build (The Mothkeeper)

Moths are tiny enemies that can wipe an entire team in end-game content if you are not careful, With the Destiny 2 Void Hunter build you can turn the tide. Instead of taking damage from Moths, you will be dealing damage with moths. Fragments and mods will make sure that you have an unlimited supply of them. Your grenade will turn into moths that will be a nuisance to enemies. The damage output of the Mothkeeper build is really high. To top it all off, invisibility will increase your chances of survivability. You will be doing constant damage with mods and will be able to escape intense scenarios through invisibility.

Stats for Destiny 2 Void Hunter Build

The most important stat for Destiny 2 Mothkeeper build is resilience. Having high resilience will increase the amount of damage you can take. It will increase your chances of survivability to a great degree.

The second most important stat is discipline. Having high discipline will decrease the cooldown of grenades which will enable you to throw them more often. Your grenade will turn into Moths so it is important to have high discipline. Mods and fragments will make sure that you always have a Moth available.

Your third priority should be mobility. It will reduce the cooldown time of your class ability. Using class ability will make you invisible so it is important for survivability.

Exotic Armor (Mothkeeper’s Wraps)

It will replace your grenade ability with a Loyal Moth and add an extra grenade charge. So, you can throw Moths two times before you run out of it. These Moths will travel toward the nearest enemies to cause a blinding explosion and damage them. If there is an ally near the Moth or if there are no enemies nearby the moths will fly towards your ally and grant overshield. Destiny 2 Void Hunter build is really good at clearing rooms of enemies.

Each throw creates two loyal moths. If there are no allies nearby then it will create two arc moths that create a blinding explosion. If there are both enemies and allies near you then it will create one damaging moth and one support moth. In case, there are no enemies nearby, it will create two support Moths. The cooldown will also be overridden with this new type of grenade. The cooldown time of moth grenades is relatively lower than void grenades. These Moths have insane tracking abilities. An attack Moth will follow enemies all around the area to damage them.


There is no requirement for the use of a specific weapon and you can use any weapon you see fit. However, using Ex Diris with Destiny 2 Void Hunter can work better than other weapons. Ex Diris creates a single loyal moth when you defeat an enemy with it. The created moths will follow enemies and dentate into a blinding explosion. However, when used with Mothkeeper’s Wraps gauntlets, it creates both a support and attack moths. Ex Diris will let you do more damage while also increasing survivability.


Different mods on the Destiny 2 void hunter build help with ability regeneration and increase its overall efficiency.


Mods on the helmet give you super energy through ability kills.

Ashes to Assets (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with grenades will grant you super energy. Moth kills from Mothkeeper’s Wrap count as grenade kills. You will be using a lot of these Moths which will feed into Ashes to Assets mods. Use two Ashes to Assets mods for maximum efficiency.


Gauntlets mod will help in creating orbs of power and decrease the cooldown time of your grenades (Moths).

Firepower (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with grenade ability (Mothkeeper’s Wrap Moths) will create an orb of power.

Grenade Kickstart (3 Energy)

Grenade Kickstart will give you grenade energy whenever you use grenades. The amount of energy you gain depends on the number of charges you have. The more the armor charges, the more grenade energy you gain. Grenade Kickstart works even when you have two grenades. It didn’t use to work but that has been fixed so you can use it with the Destiny 2 void hunter build.

Impact Induction (2 Energy)

Use Impact Induction as the third mod. It will give you grenade energy whenever you damage an enemy with melee ability.

Chest Armor

Use any mod you see fit on chest armor. You can use the Charged Up mod to increase the amount of armor charges you can carry but it’s not needed.

Leg Armor

Boots mods will give you grenade energy, and class ability energy, while also helping you with armor charges.

Stacks on Stacks (4 Energy)

You will gain an additional armor charge whenever you gain an armor charge. Meaning, that you will gain two armor charges instead of one when you gain an armor charge.

Innervation (1 Energy)

It will reduce the cooldown time of your grenade ability whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Insulation (1 Energy)

You will gain class-ability energy whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Class Item (Hunter Cloak)

Mods on the cloak will help you create orbs of power and grant you class-ability energy.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with a weapon after using the class ability will create an orb of power.

Bomber (1 Energy)

Using class ability will give you grenade energy. Since you will be dodging a lot, it will help with grenade energy regain. Use two Bomber mods with Destiny 2 void hunter build to gain more grenade energy.


Aspects and Fragments of the void subclass will increase your survivability. They will also help with increasing the damage output and ability regeneration.

Destiny 2 Void Hunter Build (The Mothkeeper) Details 2

Class Ability

Gambler’s Dodge should be used with Destiny 2 void hunter build. Using Gambler’s Dodge near an enemy will give you melee energy. Having melee energy will enable you to do more damage and become invisible when needed. Your Gambler’s Dodge will also make you invisible thanks to the Vanishing Step aspect.

Destiny 2 Hunter Gamblers Dodge


There is only the Snare Bomb melee option so use it to damage enemies. The Trapper’s Ambush aspect will increase the radius and damage output of your smoke bomb.

Destiny 2 Hunter Snare Bomb


Your grenade will be replaced with Moths due to the use of Mothkeepr’s Wraps gauntlets. So you can use any grenade because the cooldown time and functionality of Moths will remain unaffected.


There is no requirement for the use of a specific super so you can use any super you see fit.


Aspects of the Destiny 2 void hunter build will help you get out of danger and will also let you do more damage.

Vanishing Step

Dodging will make you invisible. Vanishing Step will help you escape intense combat situations when you are cornered.

Destiny 2 Hunter Vanishing Step

Trapper’s Ambush

While in the air, hold the class ability button to activate Quickfall and use melee energy. Upon reaching the ground you will create a smoke cloud that will weaken enemies and make allies invisible. Your melee will now make allies invisible when you throw it near them even if the melee gets attached to enemies.

Destiny 2 Hunter Trapper’s Ambush


Fragments will help with ability regeneration and survivability. The combination of fragments will increase the overall damage output of the Destiny 2 void hunter build.

Echo of Starvation

Picking up an orb of power or void breach will grant you Devour. While Devour is active, you will gain grenade energy and all your health back upon defeating an enemy. Whenever you defeat an enemy it will also resent the Devour to it maximum time. Echo of Starvation is important because it will heal you whenever you pick up an orb of power. It will also let you throw more grenades which will result in creating more Moths. It will also reduce your recovery by -10.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Starvation

Echo of Persistence

Echo of Persistence will increase the duration of your Devour, Overshield, and Invisibility. You will be able to keep Devour active for a longer duration which will increase its efficiency. The increase in the duration of your invisibility and Overshield will increase your survivability even further. Echo of Persistence will also give you a -10 mobility penalty while using it with the Destiny 2 void hunter build.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo Of Persistence

Echo of Obscurity

Performing finisher on an enemy will make you invisible. Echo of Obscurity makes it easier to finish off an enemy and then escape. It can combine with Echo of Cessation to damage nearby enemies. The combination of the Echo of Obscurity and the Echo of Cessation will make it easier to decimate enemies and escape before anyone has a chance to react. Using Echo of Obscurity will also give you a +10 recovery.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Obscurity

Echo of Cessation or Echo of Vigilance

Using a finisher on an enemy will make the nearby enemies volatile while using Echo of Cessation. When a volatile target takes damage it explodes which does damage to the target and nearby enemies. Defeating a volatile enemy will also create a void breach. You can pick up that void breach to activate Devour.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Cessation

Echo of Vigilance will give you an overshield whenever you defeat an enemy while your health is low. It will also give you a -10 recovery penalty while using it with the Destiny 2 void hunter build.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Vigilance

How to Use Destiny 2 Mothkeepr Build?

Use all the mods, aspects, fragments, exotics, and weapons mentioned above. Start the combat by throwing a grenade to create Moths. The Moths will damage and kill enemies which will result in an orb of power creation. Picking up the orb of power will heal you and activate Devour. Defeating an enemy while Devour is active will grant grenade energy which will let you create more Moths. The more enemies you defeat the more will be the Moths you deploy. Any orb of power or Void Breach you collect will help increase the efficiency of the Destiny 2 void hunter build. All you have to do is deploy Moths and you will rain hell on enemies.

Visual Description:

Build In Action:

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