Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2 (Nightstalker Gunslinger)

Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2 (Nightstalker Gunslinger)

There are many void hunter builds but few can claim to be the best void hunter build Destiny 2. A good build should have both survivability and a high amount of damage. The Void Hunter build does precisely that. It not only gives you survivability but a high amount of damage as well. The hunter void build turns you into a gunslinger and lets you melt enemies even in Grandmaster.

All you have to do is switch to hand canon and you will rain hell upon enemies. The invisibility from the void let you escape from intense combat situation and Devour will help keep your health full. The best void hunter build Destiny 2 is truly a God-tier build that melts enemies.

Stats for Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2

The most important stat for the Gunslinger build is resilience. Try to have maximum resilience because it will increase your survivability. After resilience focus on mobility. High mobility will reduce the cooldown time of your class ability. Class ability is important because it makes you invisible which is important for survivability. High mobility will also grant you melee due to the use of a gambler’s dodge. Melee will also give you invisibility. Your third focus should be discipline. Having high discipline will reduce the cooldown time of your grenade ability. All the abilities rely on each other to provide maximum efficiency.

Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2 (Nightstalker Gunslinger) Details 1

Exotic Armor (Lucky Pants)

Lucky Pants has the Illegally Modded Holster trait. When you switch to a hand cannon that does kinetic damage or damage matching with your subclass, its damage will increase with each hit that can stack up to 10 times. The buff lasts for 5.5 seconds and, at max stacks, you will do 600% extra damage. Your hand cannon will have increased the ready speed and accuracy after switching to it. Lucky Pants has 10 seconds cooldown so you can only use it once every 10 seconds. Switching to another weapon will also deactivate the buff and trigger the cooldown.

The airborne effectiveness of your hand cannon will also increase. Lucky Pants increases the overall damage output of your hand cannon. If combined with a proper hand cannon it can absolutely shred enemies. Malfeasance and Lucky Pants perfectly pair with each other. The best void hunter build Destiny 2 offers one of the best combos in the game that destroys enemies.

Destiny 2 Lucky Pants

Weapon (Malfeasance or Hand Cannon)

Malfeasance is a good hand cannon that does a high amount of damage. However, when paired with Lucky Pants, it becomes an absolute powerhouse that destroys all that dares to challenge you.

Malfeasance has the Explosive Shadow trait. Shooting an enemy with Malfeasance stacks. Stacking enough slugs will cause an explosion that does high damage. The explosion from slugs also stuns unstoppable champions. When Malfeasance damage combines with the damage from Lucky Pants, it becomes the best void hunter build Destiny 2 that lets you do an insane amount of damage. Every time you switch to Malfeasance Lucky Pants will activate and you will do a high amount of damage.

If you don’t have Malfeasance then use any other hand cannon.

Destiny 2 Malfeasance


Mods increase the overall efficiency of the best void hunter build Destiny 2. The combination of different mods increases the damage output, survivability, and ability regeneration.


Mods on the helmet reduce the cooldown time of your super abilities and grant you special or heavy ammo if you choose so.

Dynamo (3 Energy)

Using class ability near enemies will grant you super energy. Since you will be dodging a lot, it will help fill up super energy quickly. Use at least one Dynamo mod with the best void hunter build Destiny 2.


Gantlets mod will help you create orbs of power while also reducing the cooldown time of abilities.

Firepower (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with grenade ability will create an orb of power. Other mods will use these orbs of power to increase the damage of your weapon even further.

Bolstering Detonation (2 Energy)

Damaging an enemy with grenades will reduce the cooldown time of your class ability. Bolstering Detonation will help in keeping the class ability full since you will be throwing a lot of grenades thanks to Devour.

Chest Armor

Use any mods on your chest armor as the choice is up to you. You can use Charged Up to increase the number of charges you can carry.


The boots mod will increase the weapon damage.

Kinetic Weapon Surge (3 Energy)

It will increase your weapon damage for a limited time, whenever you pick up an orb of power. Kinetic Weapon Surge buff lasts for 10 seconds and can stack up to three times by default. The Time Dilation mod on the hunter cloak will increase its time to 15 seconds. If you are using Charge Up mod with the best void hunter build Destiny 2 then you can increase it to 4 or even more charges. However, three or four charges are more than enough. Use two Kinetic Weapon Surge mods if you are not using Stacks on Stacks mod. If you are not using Malfeasance or a kinetic hand cannon then the weapon surge mod according to the energy of your hand cannon.

Destiny 2 Hunter Kinetic Weapon Surge

Stacks on Stacks (4 Energy)

If you are using one Kinetic Weapon Surge mod then use Stacks on Stacks as the second mod. It will give you two armor charges instead of one whenever you get an armor charge. Meaning that you will gain two charges whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Orbs of Restoration or Innervation

Using Orbs of Restoration will grant energy to the least charged ability whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Innervation will grant grenade energy whenever you pick up an orb of power.

Only use one of these two mods if you have the energy for it.

Class Item (Hunter Cloak)

Mods on class items increase your decaying charge time, create orbs of power, and grant ability energy.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Whenever you defeat an enemy with a weapon after using class ability will create an orb of power. Reaper is one of the main sources for orbs of power generation.

Time Dilation (3 Energy)

It will increase the duration of the decaying armor charge. In short, it will increase the duration of the Kinetic Weapon Surge. Each charge of Kinetic Weapon Surge will now last for 15 seconds instead of 10.

Bomber (1 Energy)

Dodging will grant you grenade energy. You can get grenade energy just by dodging. Since you will be dodging a lot, Bomber will help a lot in reducing the cooldown time of grenades. Only use Bomber mod if you have the energy for it.


The void sub-class is the obvious choice since it is the best void hunter build Destiny 2.

Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2 (Nightstalker Gunslinger) Details 2

Class Ability

Gambler’s Dodge is important for the void hunter build as it will give you melee energy whenever you dodge near enemies.  You can then use the melee energy to become invisible or do damage with it using the Trapper’s Ambush aspect.

Destiny 2 Hunter Gamblers Dodge


There is no choice for melee since the Nightstalker subclass only has Snare Bomb melee. However, Trapper’s Ambush will allow you to do Quickfall which will let you do more damage.

Destiny 2 Hunter Snare Bomb


The choice of grenade is up to you and you can use any grenade you see fit. I prefer Vortex, Magnetic, and Scatter Grenades.

Destiny 2 Hunter Vortex Grenade


Use any super you see fit as the choice is up to you. I would suggest that you use Shadoshot: Moebious Quiver because it does massive damage in a short time.

Destiny 2 Hunter Shadowshot Moebius Quiver


The aspects of the best void hunter build Destiny 2 are Vanishing Step and Trapper’s Ambush.

Vanishing Step

Dodging will make you invisible. The vanishing Step is important because it will let you escape from intense combat when your health is low. You will get your melee back when you dodge since the Hunter void build uses Gambler’s Dodge.

Destiny 2 Hunter Vanishing Step

Trapper’s Ambush

While in the air, you can hold the class ability button to consume melee, activate Quickfall, and dive to the ground. Quickfall creates a large smoke cloud that makes allies invisible and weakens enemies trapped in its radius. Your melee ability will become far better through the use of Trapper’s Ambush. Your smoke bomb melee makes allies invisible when you throw it near them even if it attaches to an enemy.

Destiny 2 Hunter Trapper’s Ambush


All the fragment of Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2 works together to increase survivability and damage output.

Echo of Starvation

Picking up a Void Breach or orb of power will give you the Devour effect. While Devour is active, you gain grenade energy and all your health upon defeating an enemy. Whenever you pick an orb of power or Void Breach you get your health back. Echo of Starvation adds another layer of survivability to the best void hunter build Destiny 2. It will also reduce your recovery by -10.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Starvation

Echo of Persistence

Void buffs such as Devour, Invisibility, and Overshield have increased duration. With Echo of Persistence, you will stay invisible for longer and keep Devour active for a longer duration. The increased duration will help you survive intense combat situations and let you have more grenade energy. Echo of Persistence will reduce your mobility by -10.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo Of Persistence

Echo of Undermining

Void grenades will now weaken the target. Weaken targets take more damage from all sources including grenades. So, Echo of Undermining will not only make the target more vulnerable but also make your grenade do more damage. It will also reduce your discipline by -20.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo Of Undermining

Echo of Obscurity

Echo of Obscurity can be a good choice. It adds another layer of survivability to Best Void Hunter Build Destiny 2. It will grant you invisibility every time you defeat an enemy with a finisher. Echo of Obscurity will also grant you +10 regeneration.

Destiny 2 Hunter Echo of Obscurity

How to Use Destiny 2 Hunter Void Build?

Use the exotic armor, weapons, mods, aspects, and fragments mentioned above. The loop of the build is simple. As soon as you swap to your hand cannon (Malfeasance or any other if you don’t have Malfeasance) you will have increased damage for 5.5 seconds. Shooting during that time will stack the damage which will shred enemies. So all you have to do is switch to hand cannon when you need extra damage and it will be available to you. Become invisible when you are cornered to survive. It is easy to do damage and survive with the Lucky Pants build. The best void hunter build Destiny 2 turns you into a Void Gunslinger.

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