The Division 2 Rifle Build (The Pure DPS Build)

The Division 2 Rifle Build (The Pure DPS Build)

If you want to do an insane amount of damage with each hit, then The Division 2 Rifle build is the way to go. The build will let you do a large amount of damage with each hit. With a Classic M1A, you will be doing more than 3 million damage on the body and more than 4 million on the head. A single critical hit shot from a rifle will be enough to take down nonelite enemies. Such damage comes at a cost as you will also be taking an extreme amount of damage. The Division 2 Rifle build is the type of build that acts as a double edge sword. It will increase the amount of damage you receive by 50% to 60%, making you extremely squishy. If use hide and shoot tactics then Pure DPS builds can destroy enemies.

Pieces You Need

To make The Division 2 Rifle build you would need 3 pieces of Providence Defence. You will a Fox’s Prayer gear piece which is named Overlord knee pad. You can also use the Groupo Sombra S.A. piece to increase critical hit damage. You can either use Contractor Gloves which are named Petrov Defense Group gloves, or Coyote Exotic mask as the 6th piece.

The Sacrifice

3 Pieces of Providence Defense

Using three pieces would give you a decent amount of damage. 1 piece would give you 15% headshot damage. 2 pieces would give you 15% headshot and 10% critical hit chance. 3 pieces of Providence Defense would give you 15% headshot damage, 10% critical hit chance and, 15% critical hit damage. 2 pieces of the Providence Defense can be named pieces, named bag pack called The Gift, and named chest piece called The Sacrifice. The Gift has Perfect Vigilance and The Sacrifice has Perfect Glass Cannon. If you don’t have any of these two named pieces then use normal Providence pieces.

Grupo Sombra S.A. or Contractor Gloves

Using a single piece of Grupo Sombra S.A. can give you 15% critical hit damage. This will increase the weapon damage output of The Division 2 rifle build.

You can also use Contractor Gloves to get 8% damage to armor. Contractor Gloves are named Petrov Defense Group gloves which have 10% LMG damage. The 10% LMG damage won’t be of any use to you. However, its 8% damage to armor will help a lot in taking down enemies that have armor.

The Division 2 Contractor Gloves

Fox’s Prayer

Fox’s Prayer is named Overlord knee pad that can give you 10% rifle damage and 8% damage to target out of cover. It is the only gear piece with damage to target out of cover. Damage to target out of cover will have a noticeable impact on the damage output because it is multiplicative damage.

The Division 2 Fox's Prayer

Coyote Mask

Coyote Mask is an exotic mask that can increase your critical hit damage and critical hit chance up to 25% depending on the distance from enemies. Since you will be staying far from enemies while using The Division 2 Rifle build, you will have at least 15% critical hit damage and 10% critical hit chance all the time. You can use Contractor Gloves instead of Coyote mask as well.

The Division 2 Coyote Mask


There are two or three talents on The Division 2 Rifle build depending on the pieces you use. Vigilance is the talent on the bag pack while the talent on the chest piece is Glass Cannon. If you are using Coyote Mask then you will also have Pack Instinct talent on the mask.

Glass Cannon

Using Glass Cannon will give you a large amount of damage. It will amplify your damage output by 25% (30% for Perfect Glass Cannon). Such a high amount of damage comes at a cost. You will also be taking 50% extra damage (60% for Perfect Glass Cannon). Glass Cannon amplify both weapon and skill damage. It is the talent with the highest amount of damage that can also make you extremely fragile.


It is a weapon damage talent that can increase your weapon damage by 25%. Taking damage will disable the talent for 4 seconds (3 seconds for Perfect Vigilance found on named Providence Defense bag pack called The Gift). So as long as you are not taking the damage you can keep up the damage. There is little chance for you to take damage because you will be staying far from enemies.


Packed Instincts

If you are using a Coyote mask then you will have Pack Instinct talent on the mask. It will provide a buff to both you and your allies. The talent can give you a critical hit chance and critical hit damage from 10% to 25% depending on the distance from enemies.


Your primary weapon should be a rifle since it is The Division 2 rifle build. Each shot from the rifle will do a large amount of damage to enemies. The damage will also depend on the weapon you are using. With the Pure DPS build, you need a weapon that can do a large amount of damage with each shot. Use Classic M1A, 1886, SOCOM M1A, or M1A CQB for a large amount of damage with each shot. These rifles have small magazine sizes but their base damage is higher than any other rifle. You can also use the named version of Classic M1A called Baker’s Dozen or named version of 1886 called The Virginian.  If you want a larger magazine size then use any rifle with the Pure DPS build.

The Division 2 Classic M1A

You can use an assault rifle or sniper as your secondary weapon. Assault rifles are precise which are better at taking shots from distance. So you don’t have to worry about accuracy and stability that much. You can shoot from a distance while using an assault rifle. A Sniper rifle will help you do a large amount of headshot damage which can one-shot even elite enemies on heroic difficulty.


You can use any specialization but Sharpshooter specialization works best with The Division 2 rifle build. It will give you 15% headshot damage while using a rifle or sniper. Sharpshooter specialization will also provide stabilization to your weapons. For a rifle or sniper build, Sharpshooter is one of the best specializations.


One of your skills should be a reviver hive while the other can be either Crusader Shield or Decoy. Both crusader shield and decoy can help you avoid taking damage. The damage input of Glass Cannon does not have an impact on skills. Your shield will take normal damage which will save you from taking the damage. Decoy is a better option if you want to shoot from cover. Decoy is also useful if you want to use sniper as a secondary weapon. Depending on your playstyle you can use any of these skills for maximum efficiency of the pure DPS build.

The Division 2 Rifle Build

How to Make The Division 2 Rifle Build?

To make the Pure DPS build, first use the pieces discussed above. After that, use critical hit chance and critical hit damage as sub cores on every piece. Use critical hit damage and critical hit chance mods on all mod slots. If you are using a Coyote mask, then take your critical hit chance to 50%. You will have a 10% critical hit chance most of the time from Coyote Mask. So you will reach the 60% critical hit chance cap with Coyote Mask. With The Division 2 rifle build, you can do a large amount of damage to enemies from a distance. You won’t have much protection so be careful while using the Pure DPS build.

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