Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2 (The Nuke Knives)

Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2 (The Nuke Knives)

The best solar hunter build Destiny 2 should have high DPS that lets you decimate foes. It should be a solar hunter build that makes constant ignitions. Melee would become nukes, grenades will heal you and class ability will always be available. The extreme amount of melee damage that it offers will destroy enemies. A single melee attack will cause ignition which can take down minor enemies. The insane amount of flexibility that it offers, makes it one of the best solar hunter build for Destiny 2.

Armor Pieces for Hunter Solar Build

Use armor pieces with high mobility and resilience. Mobility should be your priority and reliance your second priority. For the third stat, you can focus on discipline. The choice of exotic is up to you and you can use any exotic with the best solar build for the hunter in Destiny 2. Ophidia Spathe is the ideal choice since it increases the chances of igniting enemies.

Exotic Piece (Ophidia Spathe)

Ophidia Spathe will grant you two knife charges instead of one, every time you gain melee ability. Gambler’s Dodge will grant you two knives that will help you do more damage. The more knives you have, the more ignitions you can cause. You can use any other exotic piece that works with the solar sub-class if you do not want to use Ophidia Spathe. However, the best Solar Hunter build Destiny 2 works really well when used with Ophidia Spathe.

Weapons (Skyburner’s Oath or Prometheus Lens)

One of your weapons shall be solar which can scorch enemies or a solar weapon having an Incandescent trait. At the time of this writing, there are only two weapons that can scorch enemies just by shooting. Skyburner’s Oath and Prometheus Lens are the only weapons that can scorch enemies just by damaging them. All you have to do is damage an enemy with one of these weapons and then hit them with the Weighted Throwing Knife. Doing so will instantly ignite the enemy, causing massive damage. Skyburner’s Oath is the best option since it applies scorch with a single hit.

Igniting enemies with a weapon having an Incandescent trait is relatively harder. You need to kill an enemy with an Incandescent weapon to scorch the surrounding enemies. Solar grenades can also scorch enemies but we will be using healing grenades so weapons will be a major source of scorch. Using a scorching weapon is the way to go with Best Solar Hunter build Destiny 2.


Mods will increase the regeneration of abilities while also helping you survive the intense combat.


You will be using melee ability which will result in melee kills. So, it is important to use mods that utilize these melee kills.

Hands-On (3 Energy)

The Hands-On mod will grant you super energy whenever you kill an enemy with melee ability. You will be using a lot of melee ability so the Hands-On mod will help you gain super energy.


Mods on the gauntlets of best solar hunter build Destiny 2 will help you regenerate abilities while also creating orbs of power.

Heavy Handed (3 Energy)

It will let you create an orb of power whenever you defeat an enemy with melee. Since you will be defeating a lot of enemies with melee, Heavy Handed will become a consistent source of orbs of power.

Grenade Kickstart (3 Energy)

You will gain grenade energy whenever you use a grenade. The amount of energy you gain will depend on the number of armor charges. The more, the armor charges the more grenade energy you gain through grenade usage.

Impact Induction (2 Energy)

Doing damage will give you grenade energy. All you have to do is do damage with melee and you will be using a lot of melee. It will help you gain grenade energy quickly. Only use Impact Induction if you have the energy for it.

Chest Armor

The use of energy on chest armor is up to you and you can use any mods you see fit. However, I will suggest that you use at least one concussive dampener mod.


Mods on boots will help with ability regain while also helping in keeping your grenade ability full through armor charges and orbs of power. Boots mods play a major role in increasing the efficiency of Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2.

Recuperation (1 Energy)

It will replenish some of your health whenever you pick up an orb of power. You will be making a lot of orbs of power, Recuperation will help you survive.

Innervation (1 Energy)

Innervation will give you grenade energy whenever you pick up an orb of power. It will help in keeping your healing grenade full.

Stacks on Stacks (4 Energy)

You will gain an extra armor charge whenever you pick up an orb of power. It will help in increasing your armor charges which will feed into Grenade Kickstart mod.

Hunter Cloak

Cloak mods will help you pick orbs of power with ease, grant you grenade energy through class ability usage, and let you create orbs of power.

Reaper (3 Energy)

Defeating an enemy with a weapon after using class ability will let you create an orb of power. Reaper will make sure that you create an orb of power with weapon damage as well.

Bomber (1 Energy)

It will give you grenade ability energy whenever you dodge. Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2 uses a bomber mod to reduce the cooldown time of your healing grenade.

Powerful Attraction (2 Energy)

You will collect nearby orbs of power whenever you dodge. It will help you heal as well by activating the recuperation mod since picking up orbs of power heal you.

Solar Subclass

Knives make solar one of the most DPS-intensive subclass for hunters. The best solar hunter build Destiny 2 will turn knives into nukes. The scorch and ignition damage that it offers, turns it into a devastating force.

Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2 (The Nuke Knives) Details 2


Healing Grenade will not only increase your survivability but also let you play more aggressively. Ember of Solace will increase the duration of the restoration from Healing Grenade while Ember of Empyrean will keep it active. You will be able to withstand intense damage sequences. Mods will make sure that you get Healing Grenade back in a few seconds. Healing Grenade is a major part of the best solar hunter build Destiny 2 as it keeps you alive.

Destiny 2 Hunter Healing Grenade


The Weighted Throwing Knife is the most important part of the setup. Many guardians are ignoring this knife but it is one of the few attacks that can instantly cause ignition resulting in massive damage. With the right aspects and fragments, it will melt even the tanky enemies. The Weighted Throwing Knife does not require any exotic piece of the final blow to cause ignition. All you have to do is throw it and it will cause ignition as long as the enemy is scorched. The best solar hunter build Destiny 2 offers on-demand ignition.

When you throw the knife at an enemy that has been scorched with a weapon, it will ignite. There are multiple ways to scorch enemies. You can scorch enemies using weapons or abilities. Using a Skyburner’s Oath or Prometious Lens can be more effective than other weapons. Weapons having a Consecration trait will scorch enemies. The weighted Throwing Knife is the most accurate ability in the game. However, it is slower than other throwing knives.

Destiny 2 Hunter Weighted Throwing Knife

Class Ability

Gambler’s Dodge is the way to go with the best solar hunter build Destiny 2. It will help you gain melee ability whenever you dodge near enemies. Gambler’s Dodge will help you gain melee back without using any strength stat.

Destiny 2 Hunter Gamblers Dodge


The use of super is up to you and you can use any super you see fit.


Solar hunter build uses aspects to increase super damage while also helping you gain melee. On Your Mark aspect will make your weapon more proficient and grant you three fragment slots. You can even use Gunpowder Gamble instead of Knock ‘Em Down but it will reduce your fragment to four. Gun Powder Gamble will let you do more grenade damage.

On Your Mark

Killing enemies with a precision hit will increase the weapon handling and reload speed of you and your nearby allies. On Your Mark only lasts for a couple of seconds and stacks up to 3 times. Using class ability (dodge) will instantly give you all stacks. It provides three fragment slots which is the main reason for its use.

Destiny 2 Hunter On Your Mark

Knock ‘Em Down

Knock ‘Em Down will increase the proficiency of Golden Gun and increase the damage of Blade Barrage. While you are Radiant, defeating an enemy will grant you melee back. Ember of Torches will make you radiant as soon as you hit an enemy with melee. If an enemy dies from your melee, you will gain melee back. Enemies being defeated by ignitions of melee will not count as melee kills. So, keep that in mind while using Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Hunter Knock ‘Em Down


Fragments will increase the amount of damage your weighted knife does. They will increase the ignition and scorch damage.

Ember of Torches

While using Ember of Torches hitting an enemy with melee will make you radiant. Your weapon damage will increase by 25% while radiant. Ember of Torches will also make you radiant so killing any enemy with the knife will refund it, thanks to Knock ‘Em Down. It plays a major part in increasing your weapon damage and melee regeneration of the Best Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2. Ember of Torches will also give you -10 discipline penalty.

Destiny 2 Hunter Ember of Torches

Ember of Char

Ignitions will scorch the affected target. Causing ignition will remove scorch since 100 scorch stacks lead to ignition (Weighted Throwing Knife skips this step). With Ember of Char, the target will get scorched again once it’s ignited which can be ignited again. With Ophidia Spathe, you can cause up to 4 ignitions on top of each other. 2 from Ophidia Spathe and 2 from Gambler’s dodge. It can increase the number of ignitions you cause from the Weighted Throwing knife. The Ember of Char fragment will give you +10 discipline.

Destiny 2 Hunter Ember of Char

Ember of Singeing

Ember of singing will increase class ability regeneration by scorching enemies. It will help you gain dodge quickly which will let you dodge more often. Ember of Singeing a major role in giving you melee back since we will be using Gambler’s Dodge. Ember of Singeing. The best solar hunter build Destiny 2 uses weapons that scorch enemies, so Ember of Singeing will remain active nearly all the time.

Destiny 2 Hunter Ember of Singeing

Ember of Solace

With Ember of Solace, Radiant and Restoration effects will last longer. It will increase the radiant and restoration effect by 5 seconds. Only use Ember of Solace if you are using a healing grenade or Classy Restoration mod with the best solar hunter build Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Hunter Ember of Solace

Ember of Empyrean

Defeating an enemy with solar ability or solar weapon will increase the duration of the radiant and restoration effect applied to you. Healing Grenade will apply restoration and Ember of Empyrean will keep it active. Enemies you defeat with The Weighted Throwing Knife will keep Ember of Empyrean active. Ember of Solace will increase the duration of your radiant restoration. The combination of these two mods will turn you into an unstoppable force. Ember of Empyrean will reduce your resilience by -10.

Destiny 2 Hunter Ember of Empyrean

How to Use Solar Hunter Build Destiny 2?

After using all the mods, aspects, fragments, and weapons mentioned above, the best solar hunter build for Destiny 2 will be ready. Once you scorch enemies with the weapon, you can ignite them using Weighted Throwing Knife. The ignition will cause massive damage to the target as well as the enemies surrounding it. The target will remain scorched even after ignition which can lead to multiple ignitions from melee ability. As long as an enemy is scorched you can ignite it. It decimates champions and major enemies in harder content.

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